120 Years/120 Memories

In honor of our 120th Anniversary, we asked our graduates to submit memories and thoughts on the program as well as photos that were taken during the time they were at Lakeview.  We truly appreciate the submissions and hope that others will help our list reach 120.  Please contact us at lakeview@lakeviewcol.edu or go to LCN120AnniversarySurvey if you would like to contribute.

  1. "The most important thing I learned while attending Lakeview was how to be a good nurse with compassion and caring." – Sally Gritten, '56   
  2. "The most difficult nursing I did in nursing school was polio care.  In 1949 there was a polio epedemic.  Since there was no cure as yet we had to just try to make patients comfortable.  They were in so much pain.  Some died.  My classmate June Black died.  She told me to take serious when someone said they were in pain." – Wanda (Frasch) Snell, '50
  3. "My favorite instructor was Alice Bender because she was a great teacher and motivator - made everything easy to learn." – Fern (Duquesnoy) Collard, '49
  4. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to treat all patients with kindness using your skills and knowledge to the best of your ability.  I worked for the Danville VA for 20 years.  I treated all patients as if they were family (husband, sons, father, etc.)." – Charlotte Joan (Lewis) Fleming, '54
  5. "Lakeview instilled in me the love of education and of course everything I learned @ LMC-SON was a joy.  Made forever friends."  – JoAnn (Kirkland) Henry-Roberts, '82
  6. "The patient is the most important person on the healthcare team." – Karen (Frankino) Stefaniak, '65
  7. "I remember taking the nursing licensing exam in Bloomington about one month after graduation.  That experience was nauseating." – Lynette Morris, '97
  8. "Mr. Schluter, my ICU/ER instructor was my favorite.  He pushed us to really think about how a patient's whole body was injured or affected by disease or injury not just the part you could see.  He made us ask how, what could cause this, what if, and how do we keep it controlled or prevent further issues.  Mr. Schluter was fresh out of his nursing career in the service which was during Vietnam.  He turned my path into a passion for ICU and cardiology."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, '69
  9. "The most important thing I learned while attending Lakeview was we were all here for the same purpose, same goal, and we are all equal." – Marie "Connie" (Constantini) Gilbreath, '53
  10. "There were about 19 students in most of my Lakeview courses and about 25 in my graduating class.  In 1944 Lakeview was taking two classes a year - one in January and one in September." – Margaret (Huffaker) Watson, '47
  11. "My favorite instructor was Tracy Wollin because she wrapped everything that we had learned in nursing school and put everything together in the last semester.  She was extremely smart and an excellent teacher!"  – Megan Kroeger, '14
  12. I remember living at the nurses' residence while I was enrolled at Lakeview.  It was a memorable experience with life-long friends."  – Betty (Downs) Barkman, '49
  13. "Dr. Ennen was my favorite instructor.  She was fair and exciting to listen to.  She always kept your attention."  – Ashleigh Staley, '06
  14. "Back in the 1960's we worked in the hospital a lot.  We had some classes at DAC and some in the dorm as well.  It was up early, go to class or the hospital, then back to class, followed by maybe more clinical.  Some pool or just hang out in the rec room in the dorm basement.  Study.  Sleep.  Repeat."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, ' 69
  15. "The most important thing I learned while attending Lakeview was prioritize, organize & delegate."  – Marilyn (Youngblood) Starkey, '77
  16. "During our time, we used each other as "partners" to demonstrate our skills.  During our final head to toe assessment checkout we were not allowed one mistake or we would fail the course.  My partner and I had practiced for weeks using permanent black markers to label the locations of where our stethoscopes should go from top to bottom.  When it came to our final checkout...those black permanent marks were still slightly visible!!!  The instructor noticed but then also noticed how hard we worked and were able to articulate the data. >>>>WE PASSED!"  – Chastity Osborn, '04
  17. "My favorite instructor was Darlene Ewing because she had common sense and she was so approachable and kind."  – Wilma Postlewait, '66
  18. "The best advise I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to continue your dream."  – Glenna (Haacke) Shank, '78
  19. "My favorite lab experience at Lakeview was my critical care lab when the patient coded."  – Megan Kroeger, '14
  20. "My least favorite lab experience at Lakeview was that we dissected cats!" – Betty (Downs) Barkman, '49
  21. Typical weekly schedule while attending Lakeview:" – Betty (Bonwell) Paps, '58 
    Time Activity
    6:45 am Chapel
    7:00 am Breakfast
    8:00 - 10:00 am On the ward to care for six patients, usually bedfast requiring complete baths, medications and treatments plus charting.
    10:00 - 12:00 pm Nursing Classes
    12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch and walk to Danville Jr. College
    1:00 - 4 pm Science Courses at DJC
    4:30 - 5:30 pm Prepare Patients and Serve Their Dinner
    5:30 - 6:00 pm Dinner
    6:00 - 7:00 pm Free Time
    7:00 - 9:00 pm Supervised Study Hall
    9:00 - 10:00 pm Free Time
    10:00 pm In Dorm
  22. "Also was worked in classes to teach posture (with books on our head), how to speak (How Now Brown Cow), chorus where we sang in our uniforms at Christmas at the Danville Country Club and three times a week Microbiology before breakfast.  There was also a half day on Saturday giving patient care." – Betty (Bonwell) Paps, '58
  23. "I would describe my first clinical experience as scary and exciting at the same time." – Sally (Hunter) Gritten, '56
  24. "I remember choosing to attend Lakeview because I got married and my husband was a teacher at Sidell.  I finished up my classes from transferring from another nursing college."  – Glenna (Haacke) Shank, '78
  25. "I remember living at Lakeview Nurses Residence while I was enrolled at Lakeview.  It was very nice.  Ma Gibson and Ma Shaffer were very likable." – Charlotte Joan (Lewis) Fleming, '54
  26. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to treat your patients as you would want to be treated - with kindness and dignity."  – Fern (Duquesnoy) Collard, '49
  27. "Diane Buss always allowed my imagination and requests to move my experiences.  I was able to be the first student to use the Vermilion County Jail as a clinical experience to perform head to toe assessments, and follow Mary Obrien, RN, during her regularly scheduled shifts at PUSMC ER for an entire semester at both!  WONDERFUL EXPERIENCES!" – Chastity Osborn, '04
  28. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to study hard and take advantage of all your experiences.  Each patient, clinical experience, rotation, is used to build your clinical expertise.  I graduated in 1977 as a diploma grad., obtained a BSN in 1991 and became a physician assistant in 1999 & still use all my nursing experiences every day!"  – Marilyn (Youngblood) Starkey, '77
  29. "Enjoy.  It is the beginning of a wonderful journey." – Karen (Frankino) Stefaniak, '65
  30. "My typical weekly schedule at Lakeview was:  1.  Take care of getting my husband and kids off in am 2.  Study, School!  I also worked at LMC part time.  3.  Multi task 24/7!"  – JoAnn (Kirklin) Henry-Roberts, '82
  31. "The most important thing I learned while attending Lakeview was don't let incidents make you quit.  Hang in there.  You become a better person."  – Wilma Postlewait, '66
  32. "I had peds and contagious disease as Cook County in Chicago and psych in Jacksonville."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, '69
  33. "My typical weekly schedule while attending Lakeview was worship, choir, classes, split shifts walk to DJC located at DHS."  – Marie "Connie" (Constantini) Gilbreath, '53
  34. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to be active, get involved & the sky's the limit.  As a Lakeview Grad you can accomplish anything you put your mind to!"  – Adrian (Donaldson) Nowitzke, '07
  35. "I describe my first clinical experience as extremely busy with a heavy patient load.  We did a lot of On The Job Training (OJT).  In the nurses station if a doctor or registered nurse came in we had to stand for them."  – Betty (Bonwell) Paps, '58
  36. "Memorable experience was working with polio patients in the late 1940s.  Also, assisting in giving 1st Salk vaccine for Morgan Co. Health Deptartment in Jacksonville, IL in 1950s."  – Betty (Downs) Barkman, '49
  37. "We worked eight hours daily.  Combination of floor duty and classes.  We did call at night for our time in surgery and OB." – Wanda (Frasch) Snell, '50
  38. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to Go!  Study!  Unbelievable rewards!  Changes your identity!  Even when you're 100 years old, you're still a nurse!"  – JoAnn (Kirkland) Henry-Roberts, '82
  39. "I remember living at the nursing residence while I was enrolled at Lakeview.  It was next to the hospital on Logan St. (I believe).  Also next to the TB Sanitarium."  – Margaret (Huffaker) Watson, '47
  40. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to be strong, focused, and push through." – Lynette Morris, '97
  41. "My favorite instructors were Mrs. Gygiel, Mrs. Gorman, and Mrs. Benefiel, who were all dedicated and efficient, and Mrs. Gladys Cleveland because she stressed the nursing procedures need to be done right." – Charlotte Joan (Lewis) Fleming, '54
  42. "I took the nursing licensure exam in Houston, TX, and it was great.  It went pretty much as our instructors described - very by the book."  – Ashleigh Staley, '06
  43. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to soak up all the nursing knowledge you can get!  Learn compassion and good bedside manner for your patients." – Sally (Hunter) Gritten, '56
  44. "The most important thing I learned while attending Lakeview was flexibility.  Instructors understood that I was married and not living on campus and was going to have a baby."  – Glenna (Haacke) Shank, '78
  45. "I remember living at 812 N. Logan while I was enrolled at Lakeview.  It was in the dormitory next to the porch area a the south end of the hospital."  – Wilma Postlewait, '66
  46. "My typical weekly schedule while attending Lakeview was crazy!  Being in the accelerated program there was not much time for anything else."  – Adrian (Donaldson) Nowitzke, '07
  47. "Some of the preliminary coursework required prior to admission included Latin and math." – Fern (Duquesnoy) Collard, '49
  48. "I took the nursing licensure exam in Chicago.  There were hundreds of us packed into a locked room - no computers then.  If you had to go to the bathroom you had to have a monitor go with you.  It seemed like it took hours to finish."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, '69
  49. "First impressions are everything!  In all you do as a professional nurse, BE who you want others to PERCEIVE!"  – Chastity Osborn, '04
  50. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to keep pushing on and don't give up.  This is an excellent career.  Also, take advantage of clinical time to learn assessment skills so when you're on the new job you will be ready to jump right in." – Megan Kroeger, '14
  51. "I lived in a dorm while I was enrolled at Lakeview.  It was adequate; one telephone per floor, one bathroom per floor, private room."  – Karen (Frankino) Stefaniak, '65
  52. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to enjoy every minute!  I have wonderful memories!  I'm glad we lived at the nurses residence.  It was a beautiful place.  Ma Shafer was a great House Mother.  (We didn't think so at the time.)" – Margaret (Huffaker) Watson, '47
  53. "The most important thing I learned at Lakeview was Jean Watson's Caring Theory.  I still practice this model everyday and truly give compassion to each of my patients."  – Adrian (Donaldson) Nowitzke, '07
  54. "I was nervous about getting the mitered corners and the bottom sheet tight enough to bounce a quarter.  No fitted sheets back then."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, '69
  55. "There were 28 students in most of my Lakeview courses and about 27 in my graduating class.  Our class admitted the first married student - her husband was a minister and transferred after 3 months." – Marie "Connie" (Constantini) Gilbreath, '53
  56. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to study hard." – Wanda (Frasch) Snell, '50
  57. "I would describe my first clinical experience as scary.  When I was called "nurse" first time it was an "ah ha" moment."  – JoAnn (Kirkland) Henry-Roberts, '82
  58. "The most important things I learned at Lakeview were the beginning of assessing the patient for the whole person and compassion.  It was the beginning of the end of doctors being a superior human being.  I stopped standing up when they entered the nursing station because my work was very important since I was their eyes and ears and intuition into our patient."  – Linda (Medlin) Jacobs, '69
  59. "The best advice I could give to current students would be to listen.  They must have calling and give 100% plus." – Marie "Connie" (Constantini) Gilbreath, '53
  60. "My favorite lab experience at Lakeview was behind Sarah Bush at a doctor's office.  Washing hands, bathing & foley caths!!  All funny experiences."  – Adrian (Donaldson) Nowitzke, '07
  61. "Typically, it was common to have lecture and a minimum of 2 tests in any one given day.  This included trying to balance taking course work on our new Charleston campus in the basement classroom at Sarah Bush Lincoln Memorial Hospital for OB then traveling back to Champaign-Urbana to Provena Covenant for one part of clinical and then on to Carle for the other part of the clinical.  In all is was a short 16 hour day that made me feel like I was truly moving into an awesome professional opportunity!"  – Chastity Osborn, '04
  62. "Enjoy your experience and learn as much as you can.  Nursing is a great career as a basis in going various directions.  I went into teaching nursing and got a doctoral degree and also was a flight nurse in the U.S. Air Force retiring as a Colonel.  It was a wonderful career and it all started at Lakeview." – Bonnie (Bonwell) Paps, '58
  63. "The best advice I could give to students currently enrolled in Lakeview's nursing program would be to learn something new every day (per Mrs. Grider)."  – Wilma Postlewait, '66
  64. "My favorite instructors were Charlotte (Connerton) and Pam Hood because I love both of them so much!  They were excellent instructors and truly displayed the true spirit of nursing."  – Adrian (Donaldson) Nowitzke, '07