A non-degree seeking student is defined as a student not admitted to the nursing program and enrolled in Chemistry or Statistics course. 

Application Process
Students applying to take Chemistry or Statistics can fill out the non-degree application indicating exactly which class(es) they want to enroll as listed on the application. Students must submit transcripts verifying prerequisites have been met for the non-degree courses in which they are enrolling in. Once the non-degree application has been processed, the student has been registered; an email will be sent to the email address provided on the application. Students enrolled as non-degree seeking will not be eligible for financial aid (including Lakeview scholarships). Enrollment as a non-degree student does not constitute admission into the nursing program. Non-degree students must apply for admission to be considered for degree status.

Student Progress
Students must know their academic standing in all courses in which they are enrolled.  Feedback is provided regularly and given in the form of exam and assignment scores. Midterm grades entered in SONIS are based on exam average only and do not include supplemental course work. Academic improvement plans are not required to be completed for students in non-degree courses.

Grading Scale for Non-Degree Seeking Students
The content and subject matter determine each course's work and will be described in each syllabus. Grades are calculated using the scores compiled from class, i.e., exams, labs, papers, assignments, etc. The grading scale is as follows:

Grade Description Scale Grade Point Value
A Excellent 97-100 4
A-   93-96 3.7
B+ Good 90-92 3.3
B   87-89 3
B-   85-86 2.7
C+ Average 82-84 2.3
C   79-81 2
C-   77-78 1.7
D+ Poor/Failure 74-76 1.3
D   72-73 1
D-   70-71 0.7
F Failure 0-69 0

Students are expected to attend all meetings of classes and scheduled laboratory sessions in which they have enrolled. Attendance at lab sessions is required. Attendance will be recorded for each scheduled class and laboratory. The student must attend all classes, arrive on time, and stay for the entire designated time.

Testing and Test-Taking Policy
Exams are administered at regularly in all courses and are expected to be taken as scheduled.  If an exam is missed, it must be made up as soon as possible and no later than the next class session. No smartwatch, fitness trackers, hand-held technology, ball caps, sunglasses, food, drinks, candy, cough drops, earplugs, earbuds, or calculators brought in by students are allowed while testing.  Examination/Test Review will be managed by the instructor and addressed in the course syllabus.

Non-degree seeking students should review the Policies and Standards of Behavior.