General Attendance/Absence Policy

Lakeview College of Nursing students are expected to attend all classes (live and online) meetings and scheduled laboratory and clinical sessions in which they have enrolled. Attendance at clinical and lab sessions is required. Attendance will be recorded for each scheduled class, laboratory, and clinical experience. The student must attend all classes, arrive on time, and stay for the entire designated time. Students who violate the clinical/lab dress code and/or student conduct code will not be permitted to attend or remain in the class, laboratory, or clinical experience, and an absence will be recorded. Students must wear a Lakeview College of Nursing-issued student ID badge at all times in class, lab, and clinical sites.

Theory Attendance Policy

Attendance at all classroom sessions is expected, and missing any classroom sessions can impact the student’s course grade and ability to succeed. Students must prepare for each classroom session by completing the required readings and other assignments. If the student does not attend two (2) scheduled class(es) during the semester, the course coordinator will evaluate their ability to complete the course. Attendance will be taken during each theory period. Refer to the syllabus for further explanation of the theory attendance policy, requirements, and consequences for the course.

Online Course Attendance Policy

Attendance in the online classroom platform is expected, and missing any online coursework can impact the student’s course grade. Attendance will be taken weekly. Students must prepare for each online session by completing the required readings and other assignments. Active participation is an exception from the beginning of the course, and ongoing active participation must be maintained throughout the semester. If the student does not actively complete content for two (2) online sessions during the semester, the course coordinator will evaluate the student’s ability to complete the course and may fail.

Clinical Attendance Policy – See Clinical Policies.

Military Attendance and Withdrawal Policy

This policy is for students in the National Guard, Reserves, or active duty United States military who have been called to active duty service or deployment. An official copy of the military orders must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Any students called to active military service, specialized training, or disaster relief efforts may receive an excused absence for class time missed (less than seven consecutive days or one weekend for a weekend course). If the required military leave results in the student missing seven or more consecutive days of class/clinical/lab time or more than one weekend for a weekend course, the student may withdraw from all courses. The student has the right to receive a refund of tuition and fees for missed classes of 7 or more consecutive days or more than one weekend for a weekend course associated with active-duty military service. Students should speak with the Financial Aid Office and Business Office. Alternatively, with the permission of the Dean of Nursing, a student may receive an incomplete on all courses registered. Students should refer to the Incomplete Policy for additional information.

Request to make up missed class time due to Military obligations

For those students wishing to receive an excused absence for Military obligations, an official copy of the military orders must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Any request to make up missed class time must be made within a week of receiving official notification from the military service. Students seeking an excused absence for class time missed due to military obligations will be considered absent for the day(s) until the missed course content is completed. If the student cannot complete missed course content, the absence will remain in effect and be subject to the consequences outlined in the Attendance Policy.