2020 March

Macie Wilson

Macie Wilson, Lakeview College of Nursing Transfer Need-Based Scholarship Recipient

Lakeview College of Nursing (LCN) recently awarded a new transfer merit scholarship with a value of $20,000 to Macie Wilson of Savoy, IL. 

She was chosen among the many qualified applicants based upon her financial need as well as her academic merit, according to Amy McFadden, LCN Scholarship Committee Chair.

Wilson, who is the daughter of Shawn Wilson of Allerton, IL and Doreena Wilson of Sidney, IL, is a 2018 graduate of Unity High School.  She is anticipating earning an associate degree from Parkland College in the spring of 2020.  She has been attending Parkland to complete preliminary coursework that will position her to transfer and pursue a bachelor of science in nursing degree from LCN.

Wilson was grateful to receive the scholarship award.  She said, “This scholarship means the absolute world to me.  Thinking of the finances of college can be really stressful for a lot of people and with this scholarship that stress has lifted a ton.  I am beyond thankful for this scholarship.”

McFadden said the idea for the new scholarship came from the desire of Lakeview’s scholarship committee to reward and encourage high-achieving transfer students with financial need as well as the commitment of the college’s board of directors to provide financial assistance to its students.

“The funding for this scholarship, as well as the funding for a new transfer merit scholarship, was made available through a very wise long-term investment strategy spearheaded by former CEO Dick Shockey and current College President Sheila Mingee,” explained McFadden.

The scholarship award will assist Wilson with the cost of tuition, books, and necessary supplies for Lakeview’s bachelor of science in nursing degree program.

Wilson said she is looking forward to being a nurse.  "I want to be able to relate, take care, and show people someone does care," she said.

Congratulations Macie!