Danville and Charleston students enjoy free parking within the designated student parking lots.

Danville students are required to park in the parking lot northeast of the College. Additional free parking is available along Logan Avenue or Lincoln Park Avenue.  Students are not permitted to park in the lots directly adjacent to the east or south of the College. Cars parked in these areas may be ticketed and towed away at the student’s expense.

Charleston students are required to park in the parking lot directly east of the College.  Students are not permitted to park in the mall parking lot directly north of the College.  Cars parked in this area may be ticketed and towed at the student’s expense. 

Eastern Illinois University (EIU) - Parking on the EIU campus requires an EIU parking sticker, except for metered spots. Students who have completed 60 hours of course work or who are 21 years of age are eligible for a reduced rate in their parking tag. Proof of completed credit hours can be obtained through SONIS by submitting a driver's license indicating your birthdate to the Director of Enrollment/Registrar.