1. At the end of each course, the Registrar's Office will notify the Dean of Nursing and the Financial Aid Office of any student who been placed on academic probation/financial aid warning or dismissed from the college/financial aid suspension.
  2. The Registrar's Office will note the academic probation or academic dismissal on the student's transcript.
  3. The student will receive an academic improvement plan, will be placed in the remediation program and AIP program, and referred to their advisor and tutoring to develop strategies for improved academic success.  (Please see Remediation and AIP Procedure).
  4. A student who does not attempt to register for the required course during the next semester that course is offered will be sent a letter and email from the Registrar's Office to determine the student's intentions. A student who fails to respond within the semester will be considered to have withdrawn from the College. To re-enter, the student must reapply for readmission under the policies and procedures in effect at the time of the desired readmission.
  5. Student requests for readmission following dismissal will be reviewed by the admissions committee on an individual basis.
  6. Students must complete all required assessments as of the semester of dismissal and provide demonstrated proof of remediation for the end of the semester following dismissal.

An instructor may independently decide to remove a student from a clinical experience when necessary to protect patients. This suspension will be effective until the Dean of Nursing acts upon a recommendation for dismissal.


Glossary of Terms:

Academic Dismissal/Financial Aid Suspension – student failed to meet minimum standard by total withdraw in a semester and/or being on a warning status previously and/or reaching maximum time frame for Program of Study

Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) - prepared by the student’s instructor or academic advisor/counselor (or other pertinent LCN staff).

Academic Probation/Financial Aid Probation (Re-admitted Status) - the student has an approved Appeal for readmission to the College and reinstatement of Title IV and/or State student aid for one additional term unless an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) is being met.

Academic Probation/Financial Aid Warning - the first time a student fails to meet the minimum standard in any one of the components. 

Good Standing – a student is meeting the minimum standards each enrollment period.

Minimum Standards - student has a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 and is staying on pace with a success rate of completing all credit hours attempted and is completing (on pace) their program within the published time frames formatted in credit hours.

Program of Study - the educational program the student has indicated they are pursuing at the College. LCN has one program, the BSN Degree.

Quantitative Measure - the Pace at which the student must be completing their Program of Study which must be monitored for completion before maximum time allotted for program is reached. The Pace varies by level of enrollment each term but has set maximums.

Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) - a Federal requirement applied to all students who have Federal Student Aid funding (pending, actual or estimated awards). LCN has one policy that applies to all students.

Time of Completion - the Maximum timeframe is 150% completion of the published program timeframe. This calculation considers all cumulative credit hours attempted (not earned).