1. Overview.

    The Lakeview College of Nursing is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of all students who participate in the program and represent the college in clinical agencies. Substance abuse poses severe health risks to students and those in the students’ care. The use of illegal drugs, misuse of legal drugs and dietary supplements, use of performance-enhancing substances, misuse of alcohol, and inappropriate use of tobacco products, is inconsistent with the standards and expectations of Lakeview College of Nursing. Accordingly, Lakeview College of Nursing has enacted a comprehensive Drug Policy consisting of education, testing, and service referrals to protect the College community and meet the clinical compliance requirements established by Lakeview College of Nursing’s clinical partners.

  2. Drug-Free Policy - Substance Abuse Prohibited.
    1. Lakeview College of Nursing strictly prohibits using, possessing, soliciting, or selling narcotics or other illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription without a prescription on and off Lakeview College of Nursing property and clinical sites.
    2. Lakeview College of Nursing strictly prohibits students from being impaired by or under the influence of controlled substances, legal drugs, illegal drugs, or alcohol, on or off Lakeview College of Nursing premises and clinical sites.
    3. Lakeview College of Nursing strictly prohibits the presence of any detectable amount of prohibited substances in a student’s body while on Lakeview College of Nursing premises or clinical sites. "Prohibited substances" shall include controlled substances, illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs not taken in accordance with a valid prescription.
    4. Ignorance of the legality of a substance, the chemical composition or contents of a substance, the manner of ingestion, or a prescription requirement shall not operate to excuse a violation of this policy.
  3. Drug Policy Subject to Change.

    The Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy, including its standards and procedures, may be amended at any time, with or without notice, in the sole discretion of Lakeview College of Nursing.

  4. No Contract Created.

    Nothing in the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy shall be construed as creating a contract or obligation requiring Lakeview College of Nursing to provide drug screening or drug treatment to students.

  5. Consent and Compliance Mandatory.
    1. Strict compliance with the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy is mandatory for all students.
    2. As a condition of enrollment in Lakeview College of Nursing, each student will be required to read and sign a Lakeview College of Nursing Consent Form, thereby agreeing to undergo drug testing and authorizing the release of test results in accordance with this policy.  A student will not be permitted to participate in any Lakeview College of Nursing classes or clinical activities until the consent form is signed and returned, and all required testing is completed.  Failure or refusal to sign this consent or comply with the requirements may result in ineligibility to enroll in classes, ineligibility to participate in clinical, and other sanctions, up to and including dismissal from the program.
  6. Application.

    The Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy applies to all students.  Additional testing may be required of all students enrolled in a course with a clinical component.

  7. Drug Testing.
    1. By signing the consent form, as discussed in paragraph V, above, all Lakeview College of Nursing students agrees to regular and/or random drug testing pursuant to this Policy.  Drug testing shall be conducted at the discretion of Lakeview College of Nursing, and the term “drug testing” shall include any screening of the student’s blood, breath, or urine for any illegal drug, controlled substance, prohibited substance, and/or alcohol.  All drug testing, aside from reasonable suspicion tests as discussed in subparagraph VII(A)(3) below, shall be conducted at the student’s expense.  Drug testing shall be conducted for the following reasons:
      1. Entrance into the program.  Each student must schedule and complete a drug test prior to being admitted to the nursing program.  A student with a positive drug screen shall be denied admission to the program, and given referral information for drug services.  A student denied admission due to a positive drug screen shall not be permitted to re-apply until said student submits satisfactory proof of drug treatment by an accredited treatment facility at the student’s sole expense, and provides a clean drug test on re-testing.
      2. Clinical placements.  Drug testing may be required of any nursing student as part of the clinical placement requirements stipulated by the College’s clinical partners.  A student with a positive drug test shall be denied participation in the clinical placement in addition to other sanctions for violation of the Drug Policy.
      3. Reasonable suspicion of a violation. Any Lakeview College of Nursing student may be subjected to random drug testing if, in the sole discretion of Lakeview College of Nursing personnel, there is reasonable cause to believe that the student may be violating the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy. Circumstances which may give rise to the reasonable cause include but are not limited to:
        1. Current or past involvement with the criminal justice system for drug-related activities.
        2. Observation of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia.
        3. Admission of a current drug problem.
        4. Previous positive drug tests.
        5. Observation of physiological signs of possible impairment from drugs.
        6. A pattern of behavior suggesting impairment by or use of drugs.
        7. Reports from faculty, peers, and employees of clinical partners.
        8. Reports of an accident, medication error, or adverse patient outcome.
      4. Drug screening as a sanction or condition of sanctions. In addition to any other sanctions imposed, any student testing positive for an illegal substance in violation of this Drug Policy may be subject to repeated follow-up testing.  Follow-up testing may also be imposed as a condition of release from sanctions or re-admission to Lakeview College of Nursing.
    2. Repeated violations.  An increase in drug metabolite from the most recent test indicates continued usage and shall be considered a separate, subsequent violation.
    3. Diluted Samples. A test result of a negative dilute shall necessitate retesting. All re-testing necessitated by a diluted sample shall be at the student’s expense.  Repeated diluted samples may, in the sole discretion of Lakeview College of Nursing, be deemed a positive drug test.
    4. Violation by possession. The possession and/or use of controlled substances or prohibited substances in violation of this Drug Policy may be determined by means other than drug testing. A student in possession of, and/or found using any controlled or prohibited substances under this Drug Policy will be subject to the same procedures and sanctions resulting from a positive drug test.
  8. Violations and Sanctions.
    1. Violation of the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy will result in disciplinary action, including the imposition of sanctions as provided in the Student Handbook.
    2. Additional sanctions specifically for violations of the Drug Policy may include, but are not limited to:
      1. Requiring the student to undergo and successfully complete substance abuse treatment at an accredited substance abuse treatment center at the student’s expense.  If this sanction is imposed, appropriate referral information shall be made available to the student.
      2. Removal from classes and/or clinical participation pending completion of treatment and/or clean drug test(s).
      3. Dismissal from Lakeview College of Nursing pending completion of treatment and/or clean drug test(s).
  9. Student Confidentiality.

    Documentation of the drug tests are educational records and are protected by FERPA.  Maintaining confidentiality and protecting the rights of each student is a critical factor in the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy.  Every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of students under this policy, including those who drug test positive, undergo reasonable suspicion testing, or enter treatment programs.  Only those individuals who require access to drug testing information for necessary and proper enforcement of this Drug Policy will be informed of the drug testing results.  Under no circumstances will any Lakeview College personnel be permitted to discuss publicly any information acquired pursuant to this Drug Policy.  It shall not be considered a breach of confidentiality, and Lakeview College of Nursing shall not be held responsible, if a student is witnessed at a drug testing location, or is witnessed being escorted out of campus or a clinical site by a College representative due to a violation of this policy.

  10. Policy Oversight by Dean.

    The Dean, or a person duly designated by the Dean, shall serve as the College representative for purposes of enforcement of the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy.  The Dean or appointed designee shall notify the student of a required drug test, and may meet the student at the testing site to oversee testing.

  11. Medical exceptions process.

    Lakeview College of Nursing recognizes that students may be ingesting medications for a legitimate medical purpose.  Any student required to undergo drug testing while taking medications shall prepare a list of all medications (prescription and over-the-counter) currently being taken, including dosage information, and valid prescription documentation for all prescription meds.  Note that providing the above medication and prescription information pursuant to a drug test does not exempt a student from the course clinical policy that requires students attending a clinical to inform the clinical instructor whenever the student is taking medications or other substances that may impair performance.  

  12. Drug Testing Procedures.
    1. Notification of testing. Under the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy, students are subject to drug testing with or without any prior notice.  A student selected for drug testing may be notified by the Dean or his/her designee in person, or by direct telephone communication specifying the date and time of the test.  A student so notified shall read and sign a Notification Form acknowledging that the student has been notified of the drug test.
    2. Testing locations.  The location of any given drug test shall be determined in the sole discretion of Lakeview College of Nursing.  Testing locations shall include, but shall not be limited to: at a local hospital or the emergency department or clinic at a clinical site.
    3. Identification Required.  At the time of arrival, the student appearing for drug testing shall provide appropriate photo identification, in the form of either a Lakeview College of Nursing Photo I.D. or a valid Driver’s License, to the College representative overseeing the screening.
    4. Collection of a specimen.  The drug testing collection process will be administered by the contracted drug screen vendor and/or its lab partners.
    5. Failure to appear for any test as scheduled, refusal to appear for any test as scheduled, or any tampering with any test, in any manner whatsoever, will be treated as a positive test.

      Result notification. The Dean will receive the results of the drug test directly from the drug screen vendor and will notify the student of the results within a reasonable time thereafter.  All drug test results shall be handled with strict confidentiality.