1. Policies Subject to Change. Lakeview College of Nursing reserves the right to make revisions, amendments or corrections to policies and procedures at any time, with or without notice.
  2. Harassment and Discrimination Prohibited.
    1. Lakeview College of Nursing is committed to providing its students with an educational environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. The College will not tolerate harassment of Lakeview College of Nursing students by anyone, including administration, faculty, staff, other students, or any third party.
    2. Harassment Defined. Harassment consists of unwelcome contact and/or conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual.
    3. Discrimination Defined. Discrimination is unequal, unfair, or unwelcome treatment that is based upon a person's protected status, such as sex, color, race, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, age, physical disability, mental disability, marital status, or any other legally protected status.
    4. Harassment and Discrimination in Education. Lakeview College of Nursing prohibits harassment or discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to any conduct that negatively impacts the tangible benefits of education, that interferes unreasonably with an individual's educational performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is by no means limited to, making jokes about a fellow student’s disability, or excluding a student from a study group based on race.
    5. Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct based on sex, whether directed towards a person of the same sex or the opposite sex, and may include explicit sexual propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, sexually charged jokes, obscene printed or visual material (including electronically displayed material), and physical contact such as patting, pinching, or intentionally brushing against another person's body. Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment and: includes but is not limited to physical sexual acts; unwelcome sexual touching, or battery; rape; domestic violence; dating violence; and stalking. All sexual harassment is expressly prohibited. Any sexual misconduct, consensual or otherwise, shall be considered sexual harassment when:
      1. A student's submission to such conduct is either explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of receiving an education;
      2. A student's submission to or rejection of such conduct is used to influence the student's educational development or participation in any College activity or program, including but not limited to:
        1. Admission to the College.
        2. Educational performance required or expected of the student.
        3. Attendance or assignment requirements applicable to the students.
        4. Courses, fields of study or programs (including honors and graduate programs) to which the students will be admitted.
        5. Placement or course proficiency requirements are applicable to the student.
        6. Quality of instruction the student will receive.
        7. Tuition or fees required of the student.
        8. Scholarship opportunities are available to the student.
        9. Any grade the student will receive in any examination, course, or program of instruction.
        10. Progress of the student toward successful completion of the nursing program.
        11. The degree, if any, the student will receive.

          The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
    6. Reporting Harassment and Discrimination. All Lakeview College of Nursing students, educators, and administrators are responsible for helping ensure that all students are free from harassment and discrimination, regardless of the perceived level of severity. If any Lakeview College of Nursing Student feels that he or she has experienced or witnessed harassment, the student shall immediately file a report pursuant to the Lakeview College of Nursing Grievance Policy found in the Student Handbook. Victims of any form of sexual harassment can report directly to the Title IX Coordinator, Vicky Oliver at 217-709-0939, studentsfirst@lakeviewcol.edu, 903 N Logan Avenue, Danville Office or any college employee or may complete an online form on the LCN website.
    7. Retaliation Prohibited. The College forbids retaliation against anyone for reporting any harassment or discrimination, assisting other students in reporting, and/or participation in a harassment or discrimination investigation. If any student feels that he or she has been retaliated against, the student shall immediately file a Grievance report.
    8. The College's policy is to investigate any and all complaints made under this policy impartially, thoroughly within 48 hours of receipt of the complaint. To the fullest extent possible, the College will keep grievances, investigations, and the results thereof, strictly confidential. If an investigation confirms that a violation of the policy has occurred, Lakeview College of Nursing will take appropriate corrective action to stop the prohibited conduct and to ensure that the prohibited conduct does not reoccur.
    9. The Student Affairs Committee is tasked with resolving violations of the Lakeview College of Nursing’s Harassment and Discrimination policy. The Student Affairs Committee provides both parties with the opportunity to provide or present evidence and witnesses on their behalf during the complaint resolution procedures. The Student Affairs Committee will use a preponderance of the evidence standard. The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee will provide written notification of the results of the complaint resolution procedure, including information related to appeal rights, within seven (7) days of a decision or sooner if required by state or federal law.  
  3. Standards of Behavior.
    1. Attendance at Lakeview College of Nursing is voluntary and completely conditional on the student’s full compliance with the Lakeview College of Nursing Student Code of Conduct. Lakeview College of Nursing is an academic community engaged in learning and practice. While the members of this community contribute a diverse mix of ideas and backgrounds, we hold in common those standards of conduct which exemplify personal integrity and ethical behavior and which advance the mission of the College, its traditions and values. By enrolling in Lakeview College of Nursing, you agree to strictly comply with the Code of Conduct and thereby take on obligations for performance and behavior reasonably imposed by the College which are relevant to its lawful missions, processes, and functions. These obligations and expectations may be much higher than those imposed on other citizens by the civil and criminal law. Lakeview College of Nursing shall discipline students as needed to ensure compliance with these obligations.
    2. Definitions. In addition to their usual and customary meanings, the following terms, including any derivations thereof, shall be defined as follows as they apply to the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct:
      1. Complicity is being present during the planning or commission of any violation of the Student Code of Conduct in such a way as to condone, support, or encourage that violation. Students who anticipate or observe a violation of the Student Conduct Code are expected to remove themselves from association or participation and report the violation immediately.
      2. Consent is defined as a freely given, clear, unambiguous agreement between the participants to engage in sexual activity. Lack of verbal or physical resistance or submission by a person resulting from the use of force or threat of force by another person shall not constitute consent. Consent is deemed incapable of being given if the person’s physical and/or mental control is markedly diminished as the result of alcohol, other drugs, illness, injury, or any other reason. Consent must be given each time the participants engage in sexual activity. Consent given on a prior occasion does not indicate future consent, and consent may be revoked at any time.
      3. Domestic violence and dating violence are harmful and/or abusive behaviors that occur between individuals who are or have been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. Domestic violence occurs when those individuals are in a shared living arrangement or who have a child in common, and dating violence occurs when those individuals are not in a shared living arrangement and do not have a child in common.
      4. Hazing is any act or situation on or off-campus, initiated, planned, sanctioned, or joined in by one or more persons associated with an athletic team or student organization, causing embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule to, or which involves participation in a Code violation or an illegal act by, or which causes, or places in danger of causing, physical or mental harm to, any member or any student affiliated with the organization. Incapacitation is the impairment of one's faculties where physical or mental control is markedly diminished.
      5. Intimidation is an action that serves to attempt to limit another person from participating in an activity and/or process.
      6. Plagiarism is the use, without adequate attribution, of another person’s words or thoughts as if they were ones’ own, failing to cite outside sources used in the completion of the work, or improperly citing sources.
      7. Prohibited substances include cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, methamphetamines, prescription medications are taken without, or in violation of, a prescription, other natural or synthetic intoxicants, and any substances the possession of which is prohibited by Illinois Law, Federal Law, or any administrative regulation
      8. Sexual misconduct is any physical act of a sexual nature without the consent of the individuals involved. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
        1. Any form of sexual penetration without consent.
        2. Intentional or knowingly touching of another person, either directly or through the clothing, of sex organs, buttocks, or breasts for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal without consent of the other person.
        3. Intentional exposure of any part of a person’s body for a sexual purpose.
        4. Use of email, text, phone, or any other form of communication to send sexually explicit materials that are unwelcomed by the recipient.
      9. Stalking is a repeated and unwanted behavior that threatens or endangers another person’s ability to safely be part of our community or causes another person to fear for his or her safety, health, or well-being. This behavior may be in person, in writing, phone, or through electronic media.
      10. Student means any person registered for and/or taking courses at or through the College, both full-time and part-time, or one accepted for enrollment. Persons who are not enrolled for a particular academic term but who have a continuing relationship with the College are also considered students. The College reserves jurisdiction to adjudicate an allegation of a Student Conduct Code violation, including significant academic fraud, occurring during a student’s enrollment which may arise subsequent to a student’s leaving or graduation from the College.
    3. Standards of Student Conduct
      1. Lakeview College of Nursing students shall observe the highest principles of academic integrity and support a campus environment conducive to scholarship. Violations of this standard include, but are not limited to:
        1. Cheating on examinations (see examination integrity policy).
        2. Plagiarism
        3. Working with other students on tests, quizzes, or assignments required or expected to be completed individually is cheating.
        4. Misrepresentation or falsification of data.
        5. Theft or the unauthorized possession of examinations.
        6. Alteration, theft, or destruction of the academic work of others.
        7. Unauthorized possession, alteration, theft, or destruction of academic records, library materials, laboratory materials, or other College equipment or property.
        8. Submitting work previously presented in another course by the student or another author, unless specifically permitted by the instructor.
        9. Conduct which disrupts the academic environment, including disruption in classes, faculty offices, academic buildings, clinical sites, or computer facilities.
        10. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.

      Students who observe or are aware of any breach of academic integrity on the part of another student are encouraged to report the infraction to the faculty member in the course, their academic advisor or the Dean of Nursing.

      1. Lakeview College of Nursing students shall respect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of all persons. Violations of this standard include, but are not limited to:
        1. Threatened, attempted, or actual physical harm, or other conduct that threatens the health or safety of the student himself/herself or any other person.
        2. Intimidation, stalking, coercion, verbal abuse, domestic violence, dating violence, or any other conduct which has a direct and substantial disruptive influence on the life or educational endeavors of any person.
        3. Sexual misconduct.
        4. Conduct which is lewd, indecent, obscene, or disorderly.
        5. Incapacitation due to the abuse of alcohol or a controlled or other intoxicating substance, or appearing in a public place manifestly under the influence of such, particularly when there is a danger to self, others, or property or there is an unreasonable annoyance to others.
        6. Making, possessing, or using any illegally obtaining, or misusing prohibited substances or paraphernalia, or providing them to persons otherwise intended.
        7. Possessing or using alcohol on College property, clinical sites, or providing alcohol to those who are underage.
        8. The unauthorized possession or use of firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, or devices classified as weapons by state statute; the use of instruments which simulate such items in acts which threaten or alarm others.
        9. Hazing.
        10. A knowingly false report of a bomb, fire, or other emergencies, or the unauthorized alteration or misuse of any fire alarm, firefighting equipment, safety or other emergency devices.
        11. Harassment or Discrimination in violation of Section II of the Student Code of Conduct herein.
        12. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
      2. Lakeview College of Nursing students shall respect the property of others, and the property, facilities, and resources of the College. Violations of this standard include, but are not limited to:
        1. The unauthorized possession, taking, use, destruction, or defacing of College property, other students’ property, public property, or private property.
        2. Forcible or unauthorized entry onto any property or into any building structure, facility, room, or motor vehicle of the College or of any members of the College community or its guests.
        3. Violation of the Library Policy.
        4. Misuse or abuse of College computers, network access, related equipment, telephones, telecommunications, or laboratory equipment.
        5. Violations of the College’s Technology Policy.
        6. Repeated or willful failure to meet financial obligations to the College.
        7. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
      3. Lakeview College of Nursing Students shall obey faculty and staff, classroom and facility (classroom facility and clinical) rules and procedures, and academic guidelines of the College. Violations of this standard include, but are not limited to:
        1. Conduct which by itself, or in conjunction with the conduct of others, disrupts, or impairs the carrying on of normal College functions.
        2. Refusal to cooperate with, or failure to carry out the reasonable directive, written or verbal, of faculty, staff members, or officials acting in the performance of their duties in support of the institution.
        3. Violating clinical facilities policies such as HIPAA - confidentiality of client information.
        4. Misrepresenting or falsifying any College record, forms or procedure; making knowingly false oral or written statements to any College official.
        5. Failure to satisfy the terms of a disciplinary sanction.
        6. Violation of building hours or usage policies; smoking in locations other than where permitted.
        7. Failure to show Lakeview College of Nursing ID card or other requested identification when requested to do so by faculty or staff or members acting in the performance of their duties.
        8. Unauthorized possession, use, transfer, or alteration of a College identification card or password.
        9. Failure to have a current local and permanent address on file with the College.
        10. Unauthorized solicitation or canvassing.
        11. Gambling on college premises or college events.
        12. Posting on College property without permission of the Dean or in unauthorized locations.
        13. Violating study abroad or domestic study-travel program standards or policies.
        14. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
        15. Providing false testimony at a disciplinary hearing or disregarding disciplinary procedures.
      4. Lakeview College of Nursing students shall uphold the mission of the College by being responsible citizens. Violations of this standard include, but are not limited to:
        1. Conduct which poses a hazard to the community or to the campus, such as assault, being on campus or at clinical sites under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or riotous conduct.
        2. Egregious or flagrant instances of conduct in the community or on campus which violates the Student Code of Conduct and/or is prohibited by law or local ordinance.
        3. Felonious conduct, regardless of where it occurs.
        4. Complicity with others in violations of this standard.
    4. Jurisdiction. The Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct applies to all conduct by all students, on and off-campus.
    5. The College reserves the right to deny admission or readmission to any person because of previous misconduct which may substantially affect the interest of the College or to admit or readmit such persons subject to an appropriate disciplinary status such as probation, or subject to compliance with appropriate sanctions.
  4. Enforcement of the Code of Conduct.
    1. The Dean of Lakeview College of Nursing is responsible for enforcement of the Code of Conduct. The Dean will investigate violations of this Code, seek informal resolutions, interview witnesses and review evidence, determine violations, and apply sanctions that lead up to but do not include expulsion and suspension. The method of the Dean’s investigation is to be determined by the Dean based upon the circumstances of the case. Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Dean for final determination.
    2. College conduct standards and violations of law. Student Conduct Code disciplinary proceedings may be instituted without regard to pending civil litigation or criminal arrest and prosecution arising from the same factual situation. Disciplinary action may, but need not, be deferred, at the discretion of the Dean, until after civil or criminal proceedings have concluded.
    3. Allegations of Code violations. The Dean will determine if there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of the Student Conduct Code occurred and, if so, how such allegations are to be resolved in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Students charged with Conduct Code violations are required to meet with the Dean as needed to participate in the investigation and resolution of the allegation. Failure to participate in any investigation as requested may be considered a separate and additional violation of this code.
    4. Interim Suspension during Investigation.
      1. An interim suspension from the College and other conditions or restrictions may be imposed prior to the final resolution of a disciplinary case if, in the judgment of the Dean or the College President, such measures are necessary:
        1. To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the College community.
        2. To safeguard College property.
        3. To ensure the student’s own physical or emotional safety and/or well-being.
        4. To avoid a disruption of the normal operations of the College.
      2. During the interim suspension, the student shall be denied access to the campus, classes, and clinical sites, and all other College activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible.
      3. Prior to, or within a reasonable time following notice to the student of an interim suspension, upon the student’s request a meeting with the Dean will be provided to review the reason for the imposition of the interim suspension.
      4. Registration for subsequent terms or the conferral of academic degrees may be withheld pending the resolution of allegations of student misconduct.
    5. Formal Hearings. If, after conducting a preliminary investigation, the Dean in his or her sole discretion believes a Code of Conduct violation may have occurred which is sufficiently severe in nature to result in sanctions including suspension or expulsion, shall refer the matter to the Student Affairs Committee for a formal hearing.
    6. Student Affairs Committee. The composition of the Student Affairs Committee shall be determined by the President of Lakeview College of Nursing. The President retains authority to appoint or dismiss the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, or its members, at any time, as may be needed.
    7. Notice. The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee shall notify all parties and witnesses of the date, time, and location, not less than seventy-two (72) hours before the time the Hearing is to commence. The notification shall be deemed properly given when sent by properly addressed mail or email to the student’s last known address or campus email address.
      1. A student’s failure keep Lakeview College of Nursing notified of the student’s current local address shall in no way serve to invalidate notice sent to the student’s last known address.
      2. The written notice shall include:
        1. The time and place of the hearing.
        2. The College conduct standard(s) alleged to have been violated.
        3. Sufficient details of the complaint about the basis of the allegation to be understood.
        4. A statement of the respondent student’s rights, as stated in this section of the Code.
        5. The name of the person(s), group, or College office filing the charges.
    8. Continuance of the Hearing. Any student involved in the hearing may request a continuance of the hearing by submitting a written request for continuance to the Student Affairs Committee not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the hearing. A continuance may be granted if, in the sole discretion of the Student Affairs Committee, just cause exists for the delay.
    9. Failure to Appear. Should the accused student choose not to appear, the hearing will be held in the student’s absence.
    10. Representation by an Advisor or Support Person. The accused student and the alleged victim of misconduct may each be accompanied by one advisor or support person of their choice. An individual expected to testify at the hearing may not serve as Advisor or Support Person for any party. The Advisor or Support Person may attend the hearing with the student and may counsel and advise the student, but shall not address the Committee except at the Committee’s request.
    11. Closed Hearings. The hearing will be closed to all persons except the parties to the proceedings. An accused student may request that the hearing be open generally, or to specified other parties, which request may be granted in the sole discretion of the Dean and the Student Affairs Committee. The accused student and advisor may be present during the entirety of the hearing, but shall not be present during the deliberations of the Student Affairs Committee.
    12. Attendance of Witnesses. Any party to the hearing may call witnesses to be questioned by the Committee at the hearing. If a party is unable to locate or secure compliance from any member of the College community asked to testify, the student may seek the assistance of the Dean. Lakeview College of Nursing will not compel any person to testify against his or her will.
    13. Disruptive Behavior. If in the sole discretion of the Student Affairs Committee, at any time, any person is disruptive to the Student Affairs Committee proceedings, the Dean or the Chair of the Student Affairs Committee may ask for that individual leave the hearing. Any failure to immediately comply with the Committee’s request to leave the hearing will be considered a violation of this Code of Conduct, and will also be considered trespassing which shall be resolved with the help of the appropriate law enforcement agency.
    14. Presentation of Evidence. The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee shall determine the format of the hearing, which may vary from time to time. At any such hearing, the Committee may consider any and all evidence it deems relevant to the subject of the hearing. The admissibility of evidence, including but not limited to physical evidence, verbal testimony, and written or recorded statements, shall be determined by the Committee in its sole and final discretion and shall not be subject to any state or federal rules of evidence and/or procedure. Any party to the hearing may present witnesses to be questioned by the Committee and may propose questions to be asked of those witnesses. The Student Affairs Committee retains full and final authority to question all witnesses and parties to the alleged violations and will determine the appropriateness of questions proposed by the parties. The accused student shall not be required to answer questions of a self-incriminating nature.
    15. Deliberation and Decision. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Student Affairs Committee shall meet to deliberate, consider the evidence, and reach a decision by a majority vote. In reaching its decision, the Committee shall presume each student innocent of any violations unless the student has been proven guilty of such violations by a preponderance of the evidence standard. After reaching its decision, the Committee Chair shall notify the parties of the Committee’s decision within three (3) business days after the decision has been rendered. In cases where multiple students are accused of violations, the Committee may withhold its decisions to be communicated after the last hearing has concluded. The Committee’s decision shall be communicated in writing and shall include the resolution of the allegations and, if applicable, the sanctions that are to be imposed.
    16. Recording. A recording of the hearing shall be made. The recording shall be the sole property of the Lakeview College of Nursing, shall be kept strictly confidential, and shall not be subject to review or transcription by any party.
    17. Appeal. Any party to the action may appeal the decision of the Dean, or the conclusion of the Student Affairs Committee, by completing and submitting an Appeal Form to the Office of the College President within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the decision. The appeal form may be requested at the Office of the College President. Upon receipt of a properly completed Appeal Form, the College President may accept or overturn the decision of the Dean or Committee, may accept, reject, add, or modify any sanction or remedy imposed or may remand the grievance for further investigation, review, or re-hearing. In any such event, the decision of the College President is final. The College President shall notify all parties to the Grievance of the result of the Appeal within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the Appeal Form.
  5. Sanctions.
    1. A student found to have violated the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct shall be subject to appropriate sanctions based upon the nature of the violation, the circumstances of the violation, the degree of harm caused or threatened by the violation, and the student’s academic and disciplinary history. Previous disciplinary and relevant academic records of a student found in violation of the Code will be considered in determining the sanctions to be imposed. Multiple sanctions may be imposed for a single violation, or a single violation may be imposed to address multiple violations.
    2. Aggravating factors. In determining the appropriate sanctions to be imposed, The College will consider as an aggravating factor, resulting in more severe sanctions, any violation of law or of this code in which the accused student knowingly or intentionally selected the person or target of the violation based on gender, race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, veteran’s status (as protected by law), or any other basis of discrimination prohibited by federal or state law.
    3. Possible Sanctions.  The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct. This list is not an exhaustive or exclusive list of possible sanctions or penalties for violating the Code of Conduct. The College reserves the right to craft additional sanctions as needed to best address any particular violation or situation based upon the circumstances.
      1. Academic Penalties. Upon a finding that academic misconduct occurred, the instructor may impose a reduced or failing grade for the assignment or course in addition to such additional sanctions as may be imposed by the Student Affairs Committee, up to and including dismissal from the College.
      2. Revocation of Conferred Degree. Revocation of conferred degrees may be recommended to the President of Lakeview College of Nursing in instances where conferral of the degree preceded the determination of significant misconduct or academic fraud.
      3. College Reprimand. A reprimand is a verbal or written warning to a student that he or she has violated the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct. All reprimands shall be noted in the student’s disciplinary file.
      4. College Censure. A censure is a written notification to the student that the student has violated the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct. Censures shall be noted in the student’s disciplinary file. Future violations after receiving a censure will likely result in more serious sanctioning.
      5. Restitution. Restitution is intended to provide compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
      6. Discretionary Sanctions. Discretionary sanctions are tailored to educate and/or address specific behaviors and violations. Discretionary sanctions include but are not limited to: educational papers or projects mandated attendance at seminars or classes, service to the College or community, or other related discretionary sanctions may be assigned.
      7. Drug Assessment/Drug Treatment/Drug Testing. Pursuant to the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy found in the Student Handbook, where the abuse of alcohol, drugs, or prohibited substances is a factor in the violation, the College may, in addition to other sanctions imposed, require drug testing and/or satisfactory evidence of assessment and/or treatment at the student’s expense as a sanction and/or condition of continued enrollment in Lakeview College of Nursing.
      8. Conduct Supervision. Conduct supervision is a requirement that the student meets with the Dean of Nursing or another designated faculty member for one or more meetings following the resolution of the case, for the purpose of assuring a continued understanding of and compliance with the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct.
      9. College Disciplinary Probation. Disciplinary Probation is a status imposed for a violation of sufficient severity to place the student near removal from the College community. A student on College Disciplinary Probation is considered “not in good standing” with the College. Accordingly, a student on Disciplinary Probation may not serve on any student-faculty governance committee, as an officer of the student body, or as a member of the Student Government Association. Any significant violation of the Student Conduct Code while on College Disciplinary Probation will likely result in suspension or expulsion. Scholarships, grant awards or other discretionary financial aid awarded by the College may be canceled or suspended as a condition of probationary status. Strict compliance with the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct is a condition of Disciplinary Probation. Other conditions may be imposed, including but not limited to:
        1. Meetings with the Dean or designated faculty members.
        2. Satisfactory completion of educational assignments or programs.
        3. Mandated standards of class attendance and/or academic achievement.
        4. Restriction from buildings, classes, clinical sites, or facilities.
        5. Restriction from participation in activities, off-campus programs, or other appropriate stipulations. 
      10. Suspension. The suspension is a temporary disciplinary separation of the student from the College for a minimum specified period of time less than one year. During a period of suspension, the suspended student is prohibited from attending Lakeview College of Nursing campus, classes, events, and activities and shall have no contact with other Lakeview College of Nursing students, directly or indirectly. The College may specify that certain conditions must be satisfied prior to readmission following a suspension.
      11. Expulsion. Expulsion is a permanent disciplinary separation of the student from the College. A student who has been expelled is prohibited from attending Lakeview College of Nursing campus, classes, events, and activities and shall have no contact with other Lakeview College of Nursing students, directly or indirectly.
    4. Implementation of Sanctions. All Sanctions shall be effective upon written notice to the student by traditional mail or by email to the student’s LCN email account.
    5. Stay of Sanctions pending appeal. Sanctions may be held in abeyance pending the outcome of an appeal at the sole discretion of the College President.
    6. Registration following the imposition of sanctions. Registration for subsequent terms or the conferral of the degree may be withheld until sanctions have been concluded and any conditions imposed by the College have been fulfilled.
    7. Deferred Sanctions. The Student Affairs Committee may defer imposing suspension or expulsion pending satisfactory completion of the academic term, or of a satisfactory period of disciplinary probation.
  6. Disciplinary records.
    1. Student disciplinary records will be destroyed after seven years from the time of the last entry, except in cases involving separation from the College or restrictions on re-enrollment.
    2. Student Disciplinary Records shall not be made part of the student's permanent academic transcripts, except in the case of separation from the institution, where a suspension will be noted on the transcript with “Administrative Suspension” and an expulsion will be noted on the transcript with “Administrative Expulsion.”
    3. A suspended or expelled student may, following the specified minimum period of separation, request the removal of the sanction from the permanent academic transcripts, which may be granted at the discretion of the Student Affairs Committee.
  7. Safe Practices and Professional Standards.
    1. Lakeview College of Nursing’s nursing program was developed under the guidance of the Illinois Nurse Practice Act (2008), the American Nursing Association’s (ANA) Standards of Clinical Practices (2003) and the ANA’s Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (2001) with the goal of providing a safe and professional learning environment for all students.
    2. In addition to those standards of behavior set forth in the Lakeview College of Nursing Code of Conduct, standards of practice and behavior may be outlined in the course syllabus or clinical syllabus, or otherwise communicated to students by an instructor. Students are expected to abide by all such standards. Any violation thereof shall be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
    3. Students will abide by all State and Federal laws. Any student who is arrested or convicted for a violation of any federal, state, or local criminal code while enrolled in Lakeview College of Nursing shall notify the Dean within one week after such arrest or conviction.  Failure to notify the Dean of an arrest/conviction will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
    4. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention. All Lakeview College of Nursing administration, faculty, staff, and students shall value and maintain sound personal health, respect laws and rules prohibiting drug use, and recognize the importance of chemical abuse prevention.
      1. All students shall read and strictly comply with the Lakeview College of Nursing Drug Policy in the Student Handbook.
      2. All students shall read and become familiar with the information contained in the Lakeview College of Nursing Substance Abuse Information Guide found in the Student Handbook.
      3. Violation of the Drug Policy is considered a violation of the Code of Conduct and shall result in sanctions, and may also result in the loss of financial aid.
      4. Federal legislation requires that all Pell Grant recipients remain drug-free (on and off-campus) throughout the award period or lose funds.
      5. Any person concerned about his or her own alcohol and/or drug use, or concerned about the alcohol and/or drug use of others, is encouraged to contact the Dean or Registrar or any other faculty member.
    5. Students shall notify their instructor when taking any medication which could adversely affect the student’s performance. Suppose a student is taking a prescribed drug, which might hinder the safe and efficient performance of the student’s classroom or clinical duties. In that case, the student must obtain a release to return to school and the clinical setting from the prescribing health care professional. Specifically, the prescribing provider must indicate in writing that the student is able to perform in a clinical setting while under the effects of the prescribed medication. If a release cannot be obtained, the student may be removed from the clinical. Students are advised to check with a health care provider when taking any over-the-counter medication to determine if the medication may cause or give the appearance of causing any effects that might hinder their duties' safe and efficient performance. It is the student’s responsibility to exercise conscientious judgment when considering whether they can properly function in their role as a nursing student in a clinical situation.