Lakeview College of Nursing is committed to the goal of achieving equal employment, educational opportunities, and full participation for persons with disabilities. Therefore, no qualified individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against in employment, admission, or any activity, or program on this campus.


The definition of a "person with a disability" under the ADA guidelines is "An individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modification to rules, policies or practices meets the essential eligibility requirements for receipt of services or the participating in programs or activities provided by a public entity who:

  1. has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities;
  2. has a record of such impairment; or
  3. is regarded as having such an impairment.

Once a student is attending college, they are expected to self-advocate; therefore, it is up to the individual to disclose a disability and request academic accommodations.  This process is done on a case to case basis and is collaborative.  A student may start the process by contacting Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939.

Disability Services Process for New Students

  1. Complete an interview with Vicky Welge to determine if, your medical or psychiatric condition rises to the legal level of disability. You can make an appointment by contacting, Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939.
  2. Documentation may be required, following the interview, to determine if a requested accommodation is needed and is reasonable.
  3. Notice of approval or denial of academic accommodations will be provided at the interview.
  4. Submit a request in writing to Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939 for approved academic accommodations.  The request must contain the specific accommodations that are to be received in the specific courses.  Requests may be emailed to  
  5. It is recommended that students meet with instructors during scheduled office hours or before/after class time; to introduce yourself as a student who will be receiving academic accommodations.
  6. Contact Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939, during the first week of class if for any reason your academic accommodation has not been implemented.

Short term/temporary accommodations
There may be the occasion when a student sustains a serious, but time-limited, injury or illness (e.g., a broken bone, mononucleosis, etc.) that requires the student to miss several days of class, clinical or limits the student’s ability to perform in the clinical area. For the safety of the student, patients, classmates, and staff, the student will engage the office of student disability services to develop a short-term accommodation plan for all educational settings, including the classroom, lab, and clinical environment, where academic performance may be affected. These time-limited accommodations are created through an interactive process that includes the student, office of student disability services, the appropriate faculty and the student’s health care provider in order to facilitate the student meeting course objectives.
Pregnancy Accommodations --The College adheres to all policies related to pregnancy in the Illinois Human Rights Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and Americans with Disabilities Act. (See, Student Pregnancy Policy)

Students seeking short-term/temporary accommodations will:

  • Meet with Vicky Welge to complete the Request for Accommodation Form
  • Provide documentation from their treating clinician stating the diagnosis (please adhere to the information stated above for documentation requirements) to Vicky Welge.
  • Specify any restrictions (such as lifting)
  • Expected date of when the student would be eligible to return to duty without any restrictions.

Accommodations Process for Continuing Students

Every semester students will need to:

  1. Once you received your semester schedule, send an email request to Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939, containing the specific academic accommodations and the course or courses that you want them implemented.  Include the title, author/editor, and ISBN number for requests for textbooks in an alternative format.
  2. Continue to engage in self-advocacy by meeting with instructors during their scheduled office hours or after class time.
  3. Contact Vicky Welge at 217-709-0939 in the first week of class if for any reason your academic accommodation has not been implemented.