In a hostile situation or one that is perceived as threatening violence, it is recommended that you follow the below guidelines. This information is to help in a critical situation and does not cover every possible situation.  Please note that these types of incidents are highly unpredictable. An individual’s response should depend on the particular circumstances at hand.

Contact Authorities:

  • Call 911 (8-911 from a College telephone) as soon as safely possible. Do not put yourself or anyone else in danger.

Secure Immediate Area:

  • Clear hallways immediately.
  • Do not attempt to confront or apprehend shooter (unless as a last resort).
  • Lock and barricade doors if unable to exit the building safely.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Close blinds and block windows.
  • Turn off radios and computer monitors.
  • Keep occupants calm, quiet, and out of sight. Take adequate cover/protection from bullets (i.e., concrete walls, thick desks, file cabinets).
  • Silence cell phones.
  • Do not leave the room or unlock the door to see “what is happening.”
  • Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.

What to Report:

  • Your specific location, including building name and official room number.
  • The number of people at your specific location and numbers/types of injuries.
  • Number and location of the assailant(s), plus descriptors: race and gender; clothing description; physical features; weapon types (long gun or handgun); backpack; shooter’s identity, if known; separate gunfire; explosions; etc.

Un-Securing an Area:

  • Remember: A shooter may not stop until he is engaged by an outside force.
  • Consider risks before un-securing rooms. If doubt exists for the safety of the individuals inside a room, that area should remain secured.
  • Consider the safety of the masses vs. the safety of the few.
  • Attempts to rescue people should only be made if they can be accomplished without further endangering yourself or anyone else.