Expectations - It is understood that throughout the courses in the program nursing care will be given:
Safely - so that the patient is not endangered by: environment; treatments and medications; by lack of knowledge of the student; or by disregard of agency policies.
Honestly - so that in every interaction between student and patient, health care team member, and instructor, the student’s communicates ethically and truthfully.
Professionally so that in all actions a student follows policies and procedures. Maintains appropriate boundaries and communicates clearly and effectively.
Each student will receive a weekly written evaluation of clinical performance.
Each student will receive a mid-term and final evaluation of clinical performance.
Each student will have the opportunity to discuss the evaluation with the clinical instructor.
Each student who receives an unsatisfactory final clinical/lab evaluation will fail the clinical portion of the course.
An AIP will be completed for any student who has unsatisfactory weekly or mid-term evaluations for future clinical settings.
It is the student’s responsibility to follow through with remediation recommendations on the AIP.